ArrayAttributes Structure

Represents detailed information about vectors and matrices.


Namespace: Numerics.NET
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.0.6
public struct ArrayAttributes
Object  →  ValueType  →  ArrayAttributes


Use the ArrayAttributes structure to represent information about the shape, transformation and mutability of a vector or matrix.


CheckForMissingValues Gets whether checks for missing values should be made.
CopyOnWrite Gets whether copy-on-write semantics are enabled.
HasStructuralZeros Indicates whether the matrix has elements that must be zero.
HasSymmetry Indicates whether the matrix is symmetric or Hermitian.
IsConjugated Indicates that the elements of the array are conjugated.
IsConjugateTransposed Indicates that the array is transposed and its elements conjugated.
IsDiagonal Indicates that only the elements on the diagonal are stored.
IsFull Indicates that the full matrix is stored.
IsHermitian Indicates whether the matrix is Hermitian.
IsMissingValueAware Gets whether operations on the array take into account missing values.
IsReadOnly Gets whether the elements of the array are read-only.
IsStoredInLowerTriangle For triangluar, symmetric and Hermitian matrices, indicates that only the elements in the lower triangle are stored.
IsStoredInUpperTriangle For triangluar, symmetric and Hermitian matrices, indicates that only the elements in the upper triangle are stored.
IsSymmetric Indicates whether the matrix is symmetric.
IsTransposed Indicates that the matrix is transposed.
IsUnitDiagonal Indicates whether the diagonal elements of a triangular matrix are all equal to one.
MatrixDiagonal Indicates whether the diagonal of a triangular matrix contains all ones.
Mutability Gets the mutability of the array.
StoredTriangle For triangular matrices and matrices with symmetry, indicates whether only the elements in the upper or lower triangle are stored.
Structure Gets the matrix structure of the array.
SymmetryOperation Gets the operation under which the matrix has symmetry.
TransposeOperation Gets how the stored data is transformed.


Conjugate Returns array attributes of the array if it were transposed.
ConjugateTranspose Returns array attributes of the array if i t were transposed and its elements were conjugated.
DefaultForIntent Returns the default array attributes for an array that is created with the specified intent.
EqualsIndicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
(Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object))
GetHashCodeReturns the hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode())
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringReturns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType)
Transpose Returns array attributes of the array if it were transposed.


BitwiseAnd(ArrayAttributes, ArrayAttributes) Returns the array attribute flags that are set in two array attributes.
BitwiseOr(ArrayAttributes, ArrayAttributes) Returns the array attribute flags that are set in either of two array attributes.
Equality(ArrayAttributes, ArrayAttributes) Compares two array attribute values for equality.
Implicit(Int32 to ArrayAttributes) Converts an integer to array attributes.
Inequality(ArrayAttributes, ArrayAttributes) Compares two array attribute values for inequality.
OnesComplement(ArrayAttributes) Returns the complement of the attribute flags.


Conjugated Specifies that the array's elements are conjugated.
ConjugateTransposed Specifies that the array is transposed and its elements conjugated.
Default Gets the default array attributes for a vector or matrix.
DefaultMutable Gets the default array attributes for a vector or matrix.
Diagonal Specifies that the matrix is a diagonal matrix and all off-diagonal elements are zero.
Full Specifies that all elements of a matrix can take on any value.
Hermitian Specifies that the matrix is Hermitian. This implies that the matrix is square.
LowerTriangular Specifies that the matrix is lower triangular and all elements above the main diagonal are zero.
None Empty array attributes.
NonUnitDiagonal Specifies that the diagonal elements of a triangular matrix can take on any value.
ReadOnlyDefault Gets the default array attributes for a read-only vector or matrix.
StoredInLowerTriangle Specifies that the matrix elements of a triangular, symmetric, or Hermitian matrix are stored in the lower triangular part of the matrix.
StoredInUpperTriangle Specifies that the matrix elements of a triangular, symmetric, or Hermitian matrix are stored in the upper triangular part of the matrix.
Symmetric Specifies that the matrix is symmetric. This implies that the matrix is square.
TransformMask Mask for flags that indicate if an array is transposed and/or conjugated.
Transposed Specifies that the array is transposed.
UnitDiagonal Specifies that the diagonal elements of a triangular matrix have the fixed value of 1.
UpperTriangular Specifies that the matrix is upper triangular and all elements below the main diagonal are zero.

See Also