MissingValueAction Enumeration

Enumerates the possible actions to be taken when a calculation encounters a missing value.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.DataAnalysis
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.1.0
public enum MissingValueAction


Default0 Use the default action, Discard. The value or row containing the missing value is discarded.
Discard0 This is the default.
Ignore1 Same as Nothing. No action is taken and the value is ignored. If NaN's are present, Most operations on numerical variables will give NaN as a result.
Nothing1 Same as Ignore. No action is taken and the value is ignored. If missing values are present, most operations will give a missing value as a result.
Fail2 When a missing value is encountered, a MissingValueException is thrown.
ReplaceWithPrevious3 Any missing values are replaced with the value of the previous observation. If the first observation is missing, it is replaced with 0.
ReplaceWithNext4 Any missing values are replaced with the value of the next observation. If the last observation is missing, it is replaced with 0.
ReplaceWithValue5 Any missing values are replaced with the user-specified value.

See Also