BinaryAggregator<T1, T2, TResult> Class

Represents a function that aggregates the values in two vectors.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.DataAnalysis
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.0.7
public abstract class BinaryAggregator<T1, T2, TResult> : IBinaryAggregator<TResult>, 
Object  →  BinaryAggregator<T1, T2, TResult>
IBinaryAggregator, IBinaryAggregator<TResult>

Type Parameters

The element type of the inputs.
The element type of the inputs.
The type of the result of the aggregation.


BinaryAggregator<T1, T2, TResult> Constructs a new aggregator.


EmptyGroupsHaveValue Gets whether the aggregator produces a value for empty groups.
EmptyValue Gets the value that is returned when the input is empty.
SupportsDirectAggregation Gets whether the aggregator supports computing the aggregation for all groups directly from the group levels.


Aggregate(IEnumerable<T1>, IEnumerable<T2>, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of two sequences pairwise and returns the result.
Aggregate(ReadOnlySpan<T1>, ReadOnlySpan<T2>, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of two span slices pairwise and returns the result.
Aggregate(Int32, ReadOnlySpanSlice<T1>, ReadOnlySpanSlice<T2>, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of two span slices pairwise and returns the result.
Aggregate(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, Array1D<Int32>, Int32, Boolean) Aggregates the specified elements of a vector and returns the result.
Aggregate(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, Int32, Int32, Boolean) Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.
AggregateBy(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, IGrouping, Vector<TResult>) Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified grouping.
AggregateBy(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, Int32[], Vector<TResult>) Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified level indexes.
AggregateInto(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, IGrouping, Vector<TResult>) Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified grouping.
AggregateInto(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, Int32[], Vector<TResult>) Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified level indexes.
AggregateWhere<TPredicate>(IEnumerable<T1>, IEnumerable<T2>, TPredicate, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of two sequences pairwise subject to a predicate, and returns the result.
AggregateWhere<TPredicate>(ReadOnlySpan<T1>, ReadOnlySpan<T2>, TPredicate, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of two spans pairwise and returns the result.
AggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, TPredicate, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
AggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpanSlice<T1>, ReadOnlySpanSlice<T2>, TPredicate, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of two span slices pairwise and returns the result.
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
TryAggregate(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
TryAggregate(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
TryAggregate(IEnumerable<T1>, IEnumerable<T2>, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of two sequences pairwise and returns the result.
TryAggregate(ReadOnlySpan<T1>, ReadOnlySpan<T2>, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of two spans pairwise and returns the result.
TryAggregate(Int32, ReadOnlySpanSlice<T1>, ReadOnlySpanSlice<T2>, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of two span slices pairwise and returns the result.
TryAggregate(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, Array1D<Int32>, Int32, TResult) Aggregates the specified elements of a vector and returns the result.
TryAggregate(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, Int32, Int32, TResult) Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.
TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(IEnumerable<T1>, IEnumerable<T2>, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of two sequences pairwise subject to a predicate, and returns the result.
TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(ReadOnlySpan<T1>, ReadOnlySpan<T2>, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of two spans pairwise and returns the result.
TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpanSlice<T1>, ReadOnlySpanSlice<T2>, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of two span slices pairwise and returns the result.
TryGetAccumulator Attempts to get an accumulator that can be used to perform the aggregation.

See Also