IPivot Interface

Represents a grouping of data in two-dimensional format.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.DataAnalysis
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public interface IPivot : IGrouping


ColumnIndex Gets the index that contains the column keys to the groups.
Count Gets the number of groups.
(Inherited from IGrouping)
Index Gets the index that contains the unique keys to the groups.
(Inherited from IGrouping)
RowIndex Gets the index that contains the row keys to the groups.


AggregateInto<T, TResult>(Vector<T>, Aggregator<T, TResult>, Vector<TResult>) Aggregates the specified vector over each group and returns the result.
(Inherited from IGrouping)
AggregateInto<T1, T2, TResult>(Vector<T1>, Vector<T2>, BinaryAggregator<T1, T2, TResult>, Vector<TResult>) Aggregates the specified vector over each group and returns the result.
(Inherited from IGrouping)
AggregateInto<T, TResult, TPredicate>(Vector<T>, Aggregator<T, TResult>, TPredicate, Nullable<Boolean>, Vector<TResult>) Aggregates the specified vector over each group and returns the result.
(Inherited from IGrouping)
AggregateInto<T, TResult, TPredicate>(Aggregator<T, TResult>, Int32, ReadOnlySpanSlice<T>, TPredicate, Boolean, SpanSlice<TResult>) Aggregates the specified vector over each group and returns the result.
(Inherited from IGrouping)
As<TKey> Returns the grouping as a strongly typed Grouping<TKey> of type TKey.
(Inherited from IGrouping)
GetCounts Returns a histogram of the number of observations in each group.
(Inherited from IGrouping)
GetIndexes(Int32) Gets a sequence of indexes for the grouping.
(Inherited from IGrouping)
GetIndexes(Int32, Int32) Gets a sequence of indexes for the grouping.

See Also