BigInteger Operators and Type Conversions


Addition(BigInteger, BigInteger) Returns the sum of two BigInteger numbers.
BitwiseAnd(BigInteger, BigInteger) Computes the bitwise and of two BigInteger values.
BitwiseOr(BigInteger, BigInteger) Computes the bitwise and of two BigInteger values.
Decrement(BigInteger)Decrements a value.
Division(BigInteger, BigInteger) Divides one BigInteger by another and returns the result.
Division(BigInteger, Int32) Divides one BigInteger by another and returns the result.
Equality(BigInteger, BigInteger) Returns whether a BigInteger is equal to another and returns the result.
Equality(BigInteger, Int32) Returns whether a BigInteger is equal to an integer.
Equality(Int32, BigInteger) Returns whether a BigInteger is equal to an integer.
ExclusiveOr(BigInteger, BigInteger) Computes the bitwise exclusive or of two BigInteger values.
Explicit(BigInteger to Byte) Converts a BigInteger to a Byte value.
Explicit(BigInteger to Decimal) Converts a BigInteger to a Decimal number.
Explicit(BigInteger to Double) Converts a BigInteger to a double-precision floating-point number.
Explicit(BigInteger to Int128) Converts a BigInteger to a 128 bit unsigned integer.
Explicit(BigInteger to Int16) Converts a BigInteger to a Int16 value.
Explicit(BigInteger to Int32) Converts a BigInteger to a Int32 value.
Explicit(BigInteger to Int64) Converts a BigInteger to a long integer.
Explicit(BigInteger to SByte) Converts a BigInteger to a SByte value.
Explicit(BigInteger to Single) Converts a BigInteger to a single-precision floating-point number.
Explicit(BigInteger to UInt128) Converts a BigInteger to a 128 bit unsigned integer.
Explicit(BigInteger to UInt16) Converts a BigInteger to a UInt16 value.
Explicit(BigInteger to UInt32) Converts a BigInteger to an unsigned integer.
Explicit(BigInteger to UInt64) Converts a BigInteger to a long unsigned integer.
Explicit(Decimal to BigInteger) Converts a Decimal number to a BigInteger value.
Explicit(Double to BigInteger) Converts a double-precision floating-point number to a BigInteger value.
Explicit(Single to BigInteger) Converts a single-precision floating-point number to a BigInteger value.
Exponent(BigInteger, Int32) Represents the exponentiation operator.
Exponentiation(BigInteger, Int32) Represents the exponentiation operator.
GreaterThan(BigInteger, BigInteger) Returns whether a BigInteger is greater than another and returns the result.
GreaterThan(BigInteger, Int32) Returns whether an integer is greater than a BigInteger.
GreaterThan(Int32, BigInteger) Returns whether an integer is greater than a BigInteger.
GreaterThanOrEqual(BigInteger, BigInteger) Returns whether a BigInteger is greater than or equal to another and returns the result.
GreaterThanOrEqual(BigInteger, Int32) Returns whether an integer is greater than or equal to a BigInteger.
GreaterThanOrEqual(Int32, BigInteger) Returns whether an integer is greater than or equal to a BigInteger.
Implicit(Byte to BigInteger) Converts a Byte value to a BigInteger number.
Implicit(Int128 to BigInteger) Converts a 128 bit signed integer to a BigInteger value.
Implicit(Int16 to BigInteger) Converts a 16 bit signed integer to a BigInteger value.
Implicit(Int32 to BigInteger) Converts a 32 bit signed integer to a BigInteger value.
Implicit(Int64 to BigInteger) Converts a 64 bit signed integer to a BigInteger value.
Implicit(SByte to BigInteger) Converts a signed byte to a BigInteger value.
Implicit(UInt128 to BigInteger) Converts a 128 bit unsigned integer to a BigInteger value.
Implicit(UInt16 to BigInteger) Converts a 16 bit unsigned integer to a BigInteger value.
Implicit(UInt32 to BigInteger) Converts a 32 bit unsigned integer to a BigInteger value.
Implicit(UInt64 to BigInteger) Converts a 64 bit unsigned integer to a BigInteger value.
Increment(BigInteger)Increments a value.
Inequality(BigInteger, BigInteger) Returns whether a BigInteger is not equal to another and returns the result.
Inequality(BigInteger, Int32) Returns whether a BigInteger is not equal to an integer.
Inequality(Int32, BigInteger) Returns whether a BigInteger is not equal to an integer.
LeftShift(BigInteger, Int32) Shifts the bits to the left, padding the right with zeros.
LessThan(BigInteger, BigInteger) Returns whether a BigInteger is less than another and returns the result.
LessThan(BigInteger, Int32) Returns whether an integer is less than a BigInteger.
LessThan(Int32, BigInteger) Returns whether an integer is less than a BigInteger.
LessThanOrEqual(BigInteger, BigInteger) Returns whether a BigInteger is less than or equal to another and returns the result.
LessThanOrEqual(BigInteger, Int32) Returns whether an integer is less than or equal to a BigInteger.
LessThanOrEqual(Int32, BigInteger) Returns whether an integer is less than or equal to a BigInteger.
Modulus(BigInteger, BigInteger) Returns the remainder after dividing one BigInteger by another and returns the result.
Multiply(BigInteger, BigInteger) Returns the product of two BigInteger numbers.
Multiply(BigInteger, UInt32) Returns the product of a BigInteger number and an unsigned integer.
Multiply(Int32, BigInteger) Returns the product of an integer and a BigInteger number.
Multiply(UInt32, BigInteger) Returns the product of an unsigned integer and a BigInteger number.
OnesComplement(BigInteger) Returns the one's complement of a BigInteger.
RightShift(BigInteger, Int32) Shifts the bits to the right, discarding bits on the right.
Subtraction(BigInteger, BigInteger) Returns the difference between two BigInteger numbers.
UnaryNegation(BigInteger) Returns a BigInteger with the opposite sign.
UnaryPlus(BigInteger) Returns the value of a BigInteger.

See Also