Aggregator<T, TResult> Properties


EmptyGroupsHaveValue Gets whether the aggregator produces a value for empty groups.
EmptyValue Gets the result of the aggregation when the input is empty.
IsIncremental Gets whether the aggregator operates on individual elements or on the input as a whole.
MissingValuesAffectResult Gets whether the result of the outcome is different if missing values are present in the input but the other values are the same.
OrderingAffectsResult Gets whether the result of the outcome is different if elements are in a different order.
RequiresTemporaryWorkspace Gets whether the aggregator requires O(N) storage during the computation.
SupportsDirectAggregation Gets whether the aggregator supports computing the aggregation for all groups directly from the group levels.
ZerosAffectResult Gets whether the result of the outcome is different if zero elements are omitted.

See Also