DataFrame.Append Method


Namespace: Numerics.NET.DataAnalysis
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.0.0

Overload List

Append<R, C>(DataFrame<R, C>[]) Combines data frames by appending the rows of the other data frame to the rows of this data frame.
Append<R, C>(IEnumerable<DataFrame<R, C>>, Index<C>, Boolean) Combines data frames by appending the rows of the other data frame to the rows of this data frame.
Append<R, C>(IEnumerable<DataFrame<R, C>>, JoinType, Boolean) Combines data frames by appending the rows of the other data frame to the rows of this data frame.

Append<R, C>(DataFrame<R, C>[])

Combines data frames by appending the rows of the other data frame to the rows of this data frame.
public static DataFrame<R, C> Append<R, C>(
	params DataFrame<R, C>[] dataFrames


dataFrames  DataFrame<R, C>[]
A sequence of data frames.

Type Parameters

The element type of the row index of the data frames.
The element type of the column index of the data frames.

Return Value

DataFrame<R, C>
A new data frame that consists of the rows of all data frames in dataFrames appended in order.


The resulting data frame contains all columns from all data frames. Matching columns are merged into one. Missing values are inserted where a matching column was not found.



dataFrames is null.


One or more of the data frames in dataFrames is null.


The indexes for the data frames have some values in common.

Append<R, C>(IEnumerable<DataFrame<R, C>>, Index<C>, Boolean)

Combines data frames by appending the rows of the other data frame to the rows of this data frame.
public static DataFrame<R, C> Append<R, C>(
	IEnumerable<DataFrame<R, C>> dataFrames,
	Index<C> newColumnIndex,
	bool verify = true


dataFrames  IEnumerable<DataFrame<R, C>>
A sequence of data frames.
newColumnIndex  Index<C>
An index that specifies the columns that should be retained in the combined data frame.
verify  Boolean  (Optional)
Optional. Indicates whether uniqueness of the values in the combined index should be verified. The default is true.

Type Parameters

The element type of the row index of the data frames.
The element type of the column index of the data frames.

Return Value

DataFrame<R, C>
A new data frame that consists of the rows of all data frames in dataFrames appended in order, retaining only those columns that are in newColumnIndex.


If two columns have the same column key, but different element types, both columns are retained.



dataFrames is null.


One or more of the data frames in dataFrames is null.


The indexes for the data frames have some values in common.

Append<R, C>(IEnumerable<DataFrame<R, C>>, JoinType, Boolean)

Combines data frames by appending the rows of the other data frame to the rows of this data frame.
public static DataFrame<R, C> Append<R, C>(
	IEnumerable<DataFrame<R, C>> dataFrames,
	JoinType columnJoinType = JoinType.Outer,
	bool verify = true


dataFrames  IEnumerable<DataFrame<R, C>>
A sequence of data frames.
columnJoinType  JoinType  (Optional)
Specifies how columns that do not appear in all data frames should be handled.
verify  Boolean  (Optional)
Optional. Indicates whether uniqueness of the values in the combined index should be verified. The default is true.

Type Parameters

The element type of the row index of the data frames.
The element type of the column index of the data frames.

Return Value

DataFrame<R, C>
A new data frame that consists of the rows of all data frames in dataFrames appended in order.


Only Inner or Outer are supported for the columnJoinType argument. Left and right joins of two data frames can be obtained using an overload of this method which lets you specify the columns to be retained as an index.

If two columns have the same column key, but different element types, both columns are retained.



dataFrames is null.


One or more of the data frames in dataFrames is null.


columnJoinType has a value other than Inner or Outer.


The indexes for the data frames have some values in common.

See Also