DestructiveAggregator<T, TResult> Properties


EmptyGroupsHaveValue Gets whether the aggregator produces a value for empty groups.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
EmptyValue Gets the result of the aggregation when the input is empty.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
IsIncremental Gets whether the aggregator operates on individual elements or on the input as a whole.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
MissingValuesAffectResult Gets whether the result of the outcome is different if missing values are present in the input but the other values are the same.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
OrderingAffectsResult Gets whether the result of the outcome is different if elements are in a different order.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
RequiresTemporaryWorkspace Gets whether the aggregator requires O(N) storage during the computation.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
SupportsDirectAggregation Gets whether the aggregator supports computing the aggregation for all groups directly from the group levels.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
ZerosAffectResult Gets whether the result of the outcome is different if zero elements are omitted.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)

See Also