Histogram<T> Properties


Attributes Gets attributes associated with the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Bins Gets the index that contains the keys for the histogram's bins.
BinsAndValues Enumerates all bins and the total for each bin.
CanReshape Gets whether the vector can be reshaped into a matrix.
(Inherited from DenseVector<T, TStorage>)
Count Gets the number of items that are not missing.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ElementType Gets the element type of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
FormatString Gets or sets the format to use for each element when creating a string representation of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Index Gets or sets the index of labels for the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
IsImmutable Gets whether the vector's elements are immutable.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
IsReadOnly Gets whether the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
IsSparse Gets a value that indicates whether the vector is sparse.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Func<T, Boolean>] Gets or sets the elements of a vector that match the specified condition.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[IEnumerable<Int32>] Gets or sets the elements of the vector with the specified indexes.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Index] Gets or sets a specific element of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Int32] Gets or sets a specific element of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Range] Gets or sets a range of elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Range] Gets or sets a range of elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Vector<Boolean>] Gets or sets the elements of a vector that match the specified condition.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Length Gets the number of elements in the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MayHaveMissingValues Gets or sets whether the vector may contain missing values that require special handling in calculations.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MissingValue Gets or sets the value that is used to represent missing values.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MissingValueRepresentation Gets how missing values are represented in the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Name Gets or sets the name of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
NonzeroCount Gets the number of nonzero elements in the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
NonzeroElements Gets a collection of IndexValuePair<T> objects representing the nonzero elements of this instance.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Precedence Infrastructure. This property supports the Numerics.NET infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReadOnlyStorage If available, gets a read-only span slice over the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from DenseVector<T, TStorage>)
Storage Returns the array slice that is used to store the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from DenseVector<T, TStorage>)
StorageOffset If available, gets the offset of the first element of the vector in the storage span.
(Inherited from DenseVector<T>)
UnsafeStorage If available, gets a span slice over the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from DenseVector<T, TStorage>)
UnsafeStorageMemorySlice If available, gets a memory block over the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from DenseVector<T, TStorage>)

See Also