IVector Methods


Append Appends a vector at the end of this vector and returns the result.
AppendMissingValues Appends the specified number of missing values to this vector and returns the result.
As<U> Returns the object as a strongly typed vector of the specified type.
AsCategorical Converts the vector to a categorical vector.
GetSlice Returns a new object that contains the values at the specified positions.
GetValue Gets the value at the specified index.
GetValues(IEnumerable<Int32>) Returns a new object that contains the values at the specified positions.
GetValues(Int32[]) Returns a new object that contains the values at the specified positions.
IsMissing Indicates whether the value at the specified index is missing.
Protect Returns a shallow read-only copy of the vector.
ReplaceMissingValues Replaces all missing values in a vector with the previous or next non-missing value.
Sort Returns a permutation that can be used to sort the data in the vector in the specified order.

Extension Methods

Bin<T> Sorts values into bins and returns the result as a categorical vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Bin<T> Sorts values into bins and returns the result as a categorical vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Unstack<R, C> Transforms a vector with a two-level index into a data frame whose columns correspond to the second level in the index.
(Defined by DataFrame)

See Also