Matrix<T> Operators


Addition(T, Matrix<T>) Adds a matrix and a scalar.
Addition(Matrix<T>, T) Adds a matrix and a scalar.
Addition(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds two matrices.
AdditionAssignment(Matrix<T>, T) Adds a constant to a matrix in place.
AdditionAssignment(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds another matrix to a matrix in place.
Division(Matrix<T>, T) Divides a matrix by a scalar.
DivisionAssignment(Matrix<T>, T) Divides a matrix by a constant in place.
DotDivide(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Returns the element-wise quotient of two matrices.
DotDivideEquals(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Divides the elements of a matrix by the corresponding elements of another matrix.
DotEquals(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are equal to a constant.
DotEquals(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are equal to a constant.
DotEquals(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
DotGreater(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than a constant.
DotGreater(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than a constant.
DotGreater(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than the corresponding elements of another matrix.
DotGreaterEquals(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than or equal to a constant.
DotGreaterEquals(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than or equal to a constant.
DotGreaterEquals(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than or equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
DotLess(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than a constant.
DotLess(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than a constant.
DotLess(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than the corresponding elements of another matrix.
DotLessEquals(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than or equal to a constant.
DotLessEquals(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than or equal to a constant.
DotLessEquals(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than or equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
DotLessGreater(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are not equal to a constant.
DotLessGreater(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are not equal to a constant.
DotLessGreater(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are not equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
DotMultiply(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Returns the element-wise product of two matrices.
DotMultiplyEquals(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies the elements of a matrix by the corresponding elements of another matrix.
DotMultiplyMultiply(Matrix<T>, T) Defines the element-wise exponentiation operator for matrices in F#.
DotMultiplyMultiply(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Defines the element-wise exponentiation operator for matrices in F#.
DotMultiplyMultiply(Matrix<T>, Int32) Defines the element-wise exponentiation operator for matrices in F#.
Equality(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Returns whether two instances of matrix are equal.
Inequality(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Returns whether two instances of matrix are not equal.
Multiply(T, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
Multiply(Matrix<T>, T) Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
Multiply(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies two matrix objects.
Multiply(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>) Multiplies a Vector<T> by a Matrix<T>.
Multiply(Vector<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a Vector<T> by a Matrix<T>.
MultiplyAssignment(Matrix<T>, T) Multiplies a matrix by a constant in place.
Subtraction(T, Matrix<T>) Subtracts a matrix from a scalar.
Subtraction(Matrix<T>, T) Subtracts a scalar from a matrix.
Subtraction(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Subtracts two matrices.
SubtractionAssignment(Matrix<T>, T) Subtracts a constant from a matrix in place.
SubtractionAssignment(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Subtracts another matrix from a matrix in place.
UnaryNegation(Matrix<T>) Negates a matrix.

See Also