Matrix Methods


Abs<T> Computes the absolute value of the elements of a matrix.
AbsInto<T> Computes the absolute value of the elements of a matrix.
Acos<T> Computes the inverse cosine of the elements of a matrix.
Acosh<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix.
AcoshInto<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix.
AcosInto<T> Computes the inverse cosine of the elements of a matrix.
Add<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Adds a matrix and a scalar.
Add<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds two matrices.
Add<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Adds a matrix and a scalar.
Add<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension) Adds a matrix and a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
Add<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<T>) Adds two broadcast vectors to form a matrix.
Add<T>(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation) Adds two matrices after applying the specified operation to the operands.
AddInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>) Adds a matrix and a scalar.
AddInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds two matrices.
AddInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds a matrix and a scalar.
AddInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>) Adds a matrix and a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
AddInto<T>(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>) Adds two matrices after applying the specified operation to the operands.
AddProduct<T> Adds the product of two matrices to another matrix.
AddProductInto<T> Adds the product of two matrices to another matrix.
AddScaled<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>) Adds a multiple of a matrix to this instance and returns the result.
AddScaled<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Vector<T>, Dimension) Adds a multiple of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension to a matrix and returns the result.
AddScaled<T>(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, T, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation) Adds a multiple of a matrix to another matrix and returns the result.
AddScaledInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds a multiple of a matrix to another matrix and returns the result.
AddScaledInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>) Adds a multiple of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension to another matrix and returns the result.
AddScaledInto<T>(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, T, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>) Adds a multiple of a matrix to another matrix and returns the result.
AddScaledProduct<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds the scaled product of two matrices to another matrix.
AddScaledProduct<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation) Adds the scaled product of two matrices to another matrix.
AddScaledProductInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds the scaled product of two matrices to another matrix.
AddScaledProductInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>) Adds the scaled product of two matrices to another matrix.
Align<T, U> Aligns a matrix and a vector on their indexes along the specified dimension.
AlignColumns<T, U>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<U>) Aligns two matrices along their column indexes using the default join type.
AlignColumns<T, U>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<U>, JoinType) Aligns two matrices along their column indexes.
AlignRows<T, U>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<U>) Aligns two matrices along their row indexes using the default join type.
AlignRows<T, U>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<U>, JoinType) Aligns two matrices along their row indexes.
Asin<T> Computes the inverse sine of the elements of a matrix.
Asinh<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix.
AsinhInto<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix.
AsinInto<T> Computes the inverse sine of the elements of a matrix.
Atan<T> Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a matrix.
Atan2<T> Computes the four-quadrant inverse tangent of the corresponding elements of two matrices.
Atan2Into<T> Computes the four-quadrant inverse tangent of the corresponding elements of two matrices.
Atanh<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix.
AtanhInto<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix.
AtanInto<T> Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a matrix.
Ceiling<T> Computes the smallest integer greater than or equal to the elements of a matrix.
CeilingInto<T> Computes the smallest integer greater than or equal to the elements of a matrix.
Conjugate<T> Returns the conjugate of a matrix.
ConjugateInto<T> Conjugates the elements of a matrix.
Cos<T> Computes the cosine of the elements of a matrix.
Cosh<T> Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix.
CoshInto<T> Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix.
CosInto<T> Computes the cosine of the elements of a matrix.
Create<T>(T[,], ArrayMutability) Constructs a new matrix from a two-dimensional array.
Create<T>(Int32, Int32) Constructs a new matrix with the specified number of rows and columns
Create<T>(IEnumerable<T[]>, MatrixElementOrder, ArrayMutability, Boolean) Constructs a new matrix from a jagged array.
Create<T>(Int32, Int32, MatrixElementOrder, Boolean) Constructs a new matrix with the specified number of rows and columns
Create<T>(Int32, Int32, Func<Int32, Int32, T>, ArrayMutability, Boolean) Constructs a new matrix with the specified number of rows and columns whose elements are all equal to the specified value.
Create<T>(Int32, Int32, Array2D<T>, MatrixElementOrder, ArrayMutability, Boolean) Constructs a new matrix.
Create<T>(Int32, Int32, Memory2D<T>, MatrixElementOrder, ArrayMutability, Boolean) Constructs a new matrix.
Create<T>(Int32, Int32, T[], MatrixElementOrder, Boolean, ArrayMutability, Boolean) Constructs a new matrix of the specified dimensions using the specified values array.
Create<T>(Int32, Int32, T[], Int32, Int32, MatrixElementOrder, ArrayMutability, Boolean) Constructs a new matrix.
CreateBanded<T>(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Constructs a new general band matrix.
CreateBanded<T>(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean) Constructs a new general band matrix.
CreateConstant<T> Constructs a new constant matrix.
CreateDiagonal<T>(Int32) Constructs a new diagonal matrix.
CreateDiagonal<T>(Vector<T>) Constructs a new diagonal matrix.
CreateDiagonal<T>(Int32, T) Constructs a new diagonal matrix.
CreateDiagonal<T>(Int32, Int32) Constructs a new diagonal matrix.
CreateDiagonal<T>(Int32, Int32, Vector<T>) Constructs a new diagonal matrix.
CreateFromArray<T> Constructs a new matrix of the specified dimensions using the specified values array.
CreateFromFunction<T> Constructs a new matrix with the specified number of rows and columns whose elements are all equal to the specified value.
CreateHermitian<T>(Int32) Constructs a new Hermitian matrix with the specified dimension.
CreateHermitian<T>(Int32, MatrixTriangle) Constructs a new Hermitian matrix with the specified dimension.
CreateHermitian<T>(Int32, T[], MatrixTriangle, MatrixElementOrder) Constructs a new Hermitian matrix of the specified dimension using the specified values.
CreateHermitian<T>(Int32, Array2D<T>, MatrixTriangle, MatrixElementOrder, ArrayMutability) Constructs a new Hermitian matrix of the specified dimension using the specified values.
CreateHermitian<T>(Int32, Memory2D<T>, MatrixTriangle, MatrixElementOrder, ArrayMutability) Constructs a new Hermitian matrix of the specified dimension using the specified values.
CreateHermitian<T>(Int32, T[], MatrixTriangle, MatrixElementOrder, Boolean, ArrayMutability) Constructs a new symmetrical matrix of the specified dimension using the specified values.
CreateIdentity<T> Returns an identity matrix of the specified dimension.
CreateLowerBanded<T>(Int32, Int32, Int32) Constructs a lower band matrix
CreateLowerBanded<T>(Int32, Int32, Int32, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a lower band matrix
CreateLowerTriangular<T>(Int32) Constructs a new lower triangular matrix.
CreateLowerTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32) Constructs a new lower triangular matrix.
CreateLowerTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a new lower triangular matrix.
CreateLowerTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32, T[], MatrixElementOrder) Constructs a new lower triangular matrix.
CreateLowerTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32, Array2D<T>, MatrixDiagonal, MatrixElementOrder) Constructs a new lower triangular matrix.
CreateLowerTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32, Memory2D<T>, MatrixDiagonal, MatrixElementOrder) Constructs a new lower triangular matrix.
CreateLowerTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32, T[], MatrixDiagonal, MatrixElementOrder, Boolean) Constructs a new lower triangular matrix.
CreateRandom(Int32, Int32, ArrayMutability) Constructs a new matrix with uniform random numbers between 0 and 1.
CreateRandom(Int32, Int32, Random, ArrayMutability) Constructs a new matrix with uniform random numbers between 0 and 1.
CreateSparse<T>(Int32, Int32) Constructs a new sparse matrix.
CreateSparse<T>(Int32, Int32, Double) Constructs a new sparse matrix.
CreateSparse<T>(Int32, Int32, Int32) Constructs a new sparse matrix.
CreateSparse<T>(Int32, Int32, Int32[], Int32[], T[]) Constructs a new sparse matrix.
CreateSparseSymmetric<T>(Int32) Constructs a new symmetric sparse matrix.
CreateSparseSymmetric<T>(Int32, Double) Constructs a new symmetric sparse matrix.
CreateSparseSymmetric<T>(Int32, Int32) Constructs a new symmetric sparse matrix.
CreateSparseSymmetric<T>(Int32, Int32[], Int32[], T[]) Constructs a new sparse matrix.
CreateSymmetric<T>(Int32) Constructs a new symmetrical matrix with the specified dimension.
CreateSymmetric<T>(Int32, MatrixTriangle) Constructs a new symmetrical matrix with the specified dimension.
CreateSymmetric<T>(Int32, T[], MatrixTriangle, MatrixElementOrder) Constructs a new symmetrical matrix of the specified dimension using the specified values.
CreateSymmetric<T>(Int32, Array2D<T>, MatrixTriangle, MatrixElementOrder, ArrayMutability) Constructs a new symmetrical matrix of the specified dimension using the specified values.
CreateSymmetric<T>(Int32, Memory2D<T>, MatrixTriangle, MatrixElementOrder, ArrayMutability) Constructs a new symmetrical matrix of the specified dimension using the specified values.
CreateSymmetric<T>(Int32, T[], MatrixTriangle, MatrixElementOrder, Boolean, ArrayMutability) Constructs a new symmetrical matrix of the specified dimension using the specified values.
CreateSymmetricBanded<T> Constructs a symmetric band matrix.
CreateUpperBanded<T>(Int32, Int32, Int32) Constructs an upper band matrix
CreateUpperBanded<T>(Int32, Int32, Int32, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs an upper band matrix
CreateUpperTriangular<T>(Int32) Constructs a new upper triangular matrix.
CreateUpperTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32) Constructs a new upper triangular matrix.
CreateUpperTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a new upper triangular matrix.
CreateUpperTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32, T[], MatrixElementOrder) Constructs a new upper triangular matrix.
CreateUpperTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32, Array2D<T>, MatrixDiagonal, MatrixElementOrder) Constructs a new upper triangular matrix.
CreateUpperTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32, Memory2D<T>, MatrixDiagonal, MatrixElementOrder) Constructs a new upper triangular matrix.
CreateUpperTriangular<T>(Int32, Int32, T[], MatrixDiagonal, MatrixElementOrder, Boolean) Constructs a new upper triangular matrix.
Divide<T> Divides a matrix by a scalar.
ElementwiseConjugateMultiply<T> Multiplies the elements of a matrix by the corresponding elements of another matrix conjugating the left operand.
ElementwiseConjugateMultiplyInto<T> Multiplies a matrix element-wise by another matrix conjugating the left operand.
ElementwiseDivide<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Divides a matrix element-wise by another matrix.
ElementwiseDivide<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Divides a scalar by each element of a matrix.
ElementwiseDivide<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension) Divides the elements of a matrix by the elements of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
ElementwiseDivide<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<T>) Divides the elements of two broadcast vectors along the specified dimension.
ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Divides a matrix element-wise by another matrix.
ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Divides a scalar by each element of a matrix.
ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>) Divides the elements of a matrix by the elements of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<T>, Matrix<T>) Divides the elements of two broadcast vectors along the specified dimension.
ElementwiseMultiply<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies the elements of a matrix by the corresponding elements of another matrix.
ElementwiseMultiply<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension) Multiplies the elements of a matrix and a vector broadcast along the specified dimension elementwise.
ElementwiseMultiply<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<T>) Multiplies the elements of two broadcast vectors.
ElementwiseMultiplyInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a matrix element-wise by another matrix.
ElementwiseMultiplyInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>) Multiplies the elements of a matrix and a vector broadcast along the specified dimension elementwise.
ElementwiseMultiplyInto<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies the elements of two broadcast vectors along the specified dimension elementwise.
ElementwisePow<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Raises the element of a matrix to a constant power.
ElementwisePow<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Raises the elements of a matrix to a power from the corresponding elements in another matrix.
ElementwisePow<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<Int32>) Raises the elements of a matrix to an integer power from the corresponding elements in another matrix.
ElementwisePow<T>(Matrix<T>, Int32) Raises the element of a matrix to a constant power.
ElementwisePow<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension) Raises the elements of a matrix to a power from the corresponding elements in a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
ElementwisePow<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<Int32>, Dimension) Raises the elements of a matrix to a power from the corresponding elements in a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
ElementwisePow<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>) Raises the elements of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension to a power from the corresponding elements in a matrix
ElementwisePow<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<Int32>) Raises the elements of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension to a power from the corresponding elements in a matrix
ElementwisePow<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<T>) Raises the elements of a broadcast vector to a power from the corresponding elements in a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
ElementwisePow<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<Int32>) Raises the elements of a broadcast vector to a power from the corresponding elements in a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
ElementwisePowInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>) Raises the element of a matrix to a constant power.
ElementwisePowInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Raises the elements of a matrix to a power from the corresponding elements in another matrix.
ElementwisePowInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<Int32>, Matrix<T>) Raises the elements of a matrix to an integer power from the corresponding elements in another matrix.
ElementwisePowInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Int32, Matrix<T>) Raises the element of a matrix to a constant power.
ElementwisePowInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>) Raises the elements of a matrix to a power from the corresponding elements in a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
ElementwisePowInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<Int32>, Dimension, Matrix<T>) Raises the elements of a matrix to a power from the corresponding elements in a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
ElementwisePowInto<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Raises the elements of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension to a power from the corresponding elements in a matrix
ElementwisePowInto<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<Int32>, Matrix<T>) Raises the elements of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension to a power from the corresponding elements in a matrix
ElementwisePowInto<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<T>, Matrix<T>) Raises the elements of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension to a power from the corresponding elements in another broadcast vector.
ElementwisePowInto<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<Int32>, Matrix<T>) Raises the elements of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension to a power from the corresponding elements in another broadcast vector.
EqualTo<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are equal to a constant.
EqualTo<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
EqualTo<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are equal to a constant.
EqualToInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are equal to a constant.
EqualToInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are equal to a constant.
EqualToInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
Exp<T> Computes the exponential of the elements of a matrix.
ExpInto<T> Computes the exponential of the elements of a matrix.
ExtractBanded<T>(Matrix<T>, Int32, Int32) Constructs a new band matrix from the components of another matrix.
ExtractBanded<T>(Matrix<T>, Int32, Int32, Intent) Constructs a new band matrix from the components of another matrix.
ExtractHermitian<T>(DenseMatrix<T>, MatrixTriangle, Boolean) Creates a HermitianMatrix<T> from a part of a DenseMatrix<T>.
ExtractHermitian<T>(Matrix<T>, Int32, Int32, Int32, MatrixTriangle) Creates a HermitianMatrix<T> from a part of a matrix.
ExtractHermitian<T>(DenseMatrix<T>, Int32, Int32, Int32, MatrixTriangle, Boolean) Creates a HermitianMatrix<T> from a part of a DenseMatrix<T>.
ExtractLowerTriangle<T>(DenseMatrix<T>) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the lower triangular portion of a DenseMatrix<T>.
ExtractLowerTriangle<T>(HermitianMatrix<T>) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the lower triangular portion of a HermitianMatrix<T>.
ExtractLowerTriangle<T>(SymmetricMatrix<T>) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the lower triangular portion of a SymmetricMatrix<T>.
ExtractLowerTriangle<T>(DenseMatrix<T>, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the lower triangular portion of a DenseMatrix<T>.
ExtractLowerTriangle<T>(HermitianMatrix<T>, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the lower triangular portion of a HermitianMatrix<T>.
ExtractLowerTriangle<T>(SymmetricMatrix<T>, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the lower triangular portion of a SymmetricMatrix<T>.
ExtractLowerTriangle<T>(DenseMatrix<T>, Int32, Int32, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the lower triangular portion of a DenseMatrix<T>.
ExtractSymmetric<T>(DenseMatrix<T>, MatrixTriangle, Boolean) Creates a SymmetricMatrix<T> from a part of a DenseMatrix<T>.
ExtractSymmetric<T>(Matrix<T>, Int32, Int32, Int32, MatrixTriangle) Creates a SymmetricMatrix<T> from a part of a matrix.
ExtractSymmetric<T>(DenseMatrix<T>, Int32, Int32, Int32, MatrixTriangle, Boolean) Creates a SymmetricMatrix<T> from a part of a DenseMatrix<T>.
ExtractSymmetricBanded<T>(Matrix<T>, Int32, MatrixTriangle) Constructs a new symmetric band matrix from the components of a matrix.
ExtractSymmetricBanded<T>(Matrix<T>, Int32, MatrixTriangle, Intent) Constructs a new symmetric band matrix from the components of a matrix.
ExtractTriangularBanded<T>(TriangularMatrix<T>, MatrixTriangle, Int32, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a new upper or lower band matrix from the components of a triangular matrix.
ExtractTriangularBanded<T>(Matrix<T>, MatrixTriangle, Int32, MatrixDiagonal, Intent) Constructs a new upper or lower band matrix from the components of a triangular matrix.
ExtractUpperTriangle<T>(DenseMatrix<T>) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the storedTriangle triangular portion of a DenseMatrix<T>.
ExtractUpperTriangle<T>(HermitianMatrix<T>) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the lower triangular portion of a HermitianMatrix<T>.
ExtractUpperTriangle<T>(DenseMatrix<T>, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the upper triangular portion of a DenseMatrix<T>.
ExtractUpperTriangle<T>(HermitianMatrix<T>, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs an upper TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the upper triangular portion of a HermitianMatrix<T>.
ExtractUpperTriangle<T>(SymmetricMatrix<T>, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs an upper TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the upper triangular portion of a SymmetricMatrix<T>.
ExtractUpperTriangle<T>(DenseMatrix<T>, Int32, Int32, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a TriangularMatrix<T> whose elements are contained in the upper triangular portion of a DenseMatrix<T>.
Floor<T> Computes the largest integer less than or equal to the elements of a matrix.
FloorInto<T> Computes the largest integer less than or equal to the elements of a matrix.
FromColumns<T> Constructs a new matrix from the specified vectors.
FromRows<T>(ReadOnlySpan<Vector<T>>) Constructs a new matrix from the specified vectors.
FromRows<T>(Vector<T>[]) Constructs a new matrix from the specified vectors.
GreaterThan<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than a constant.
GreaterThan<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than the corresponding elements of another matrix.
GreaterThan<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than a constant.
GreaterThanInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than a constant.
GreaterThanInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than a constant.
GreaterThanInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than the corresponding elements of another matrix.
GreaterThanOrEqualTo<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than or equal to a constant.
GreaterThanOrEqualTo<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than or equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
GreaterThanOrEqualTo<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than or equal to a constant.
GreaterThanOrEqualToInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than or equal to a constant.
GreaterThanOrEqualToInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than or equal to a constant.
GreaterThanOrEqualToInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than or equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
Hypot<T> Computes the square root of the sum of the squared corresponding elements of two matrices.
HypotInto<T> Computes the square root of the sum of the squared corresponding elements of two matrices.
JoinHorizontal<T> Concatenates matrices horizontally.
JoinVertical<T> Concatenates matrices vertically.
KroneckerProduct<T> Returns the Kronecker product of two matrices.
LessThan<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than a constant.
LessThan<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than the corresponding elements of another matrix.
LessThan<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than a constant.
LessThanInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than a constant.
LessThanInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than a constant.
LessThanInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than the corresponding elements of another matrix.
LessThanOrEqualTo<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than or equal to a constant.
LessThanOrEqualTo<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than or equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
LessThanOrEqualTo<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than or equal to a constant.
LessThanOrEqualToInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than or equal to a constant.
LessThanOrEqualToInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are less than or equal to a constant.
LessThanOrEqualToInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are greater than or equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
Log<T>(Matrix<T>) Returns a matrix whose elements are the logarithms of the elements of another matrix.
Log<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Returns a matrix whose elements are the logarithms of the elements of another matrix.
Log10<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the base 10 logarithms of the elements of another matrix.
Log10Into<T> Computes the base 10 logarithm of the elements of a matrix.
LogInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Computes the logarithm of the elements of a matrix.
LogInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>) Computes the logarithm of the elements of a matrix.
Map<T, U>(Func<T, U>, Matrix<T>) Applies a function to the elements of a matrix and returns the result in a new matrix.
Map<T, U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<U>) Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two matrices and returns the result in a new matrix.
Map<T, U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Matrix<T>, Vector<U>, Dimension) Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two matrices and returns the result in a new matrix.
Map<T, U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<U>) Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two matrices and returns the result in a new matrix.
Map<T, U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<U>) Maps two broadcast vectors to form a matrix.
MapInto<T, U>(Func<T, U>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<U>) Applies a function to the elements of a matrix.
MapInto<T, U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<U>, Matrix<V>) Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two matrices and returns the result in a third matrix.
MapInto<T, U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Matrix<T>, Vector<U>, Dimension, Matrix<V>) Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two matrices and returns the result in a third matrix.
MapInto<T, U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<U>, Matrix<V>) Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two matrices and returns the result in a third matrix.
MapInto<T, U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<U>, Matrix<V>) Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two broadcast vectors and returns the result in a third matrix.
Max<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
Max<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximums of the components of two vectors.
Max<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
MaxInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>) Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
MaxInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximums of the components of two vectors.
Min<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
Min<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimums of the components of two vectors.
Min<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
MinInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>) Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
MinInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimums of the components of two vectors.
Multiply<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
Multiply<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies two matrix objects.
Multiply<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>) Multiplies a vector by a matrix.
Multiply<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
Multiply<T>(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Vector<T>) Multiplies a vector by a matrix.
Multiply<T>(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation) Multiplies one matrix by another matrix and returns the result.
MultiplyInto<T>(LinearOperator<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a matrix and a matrix.
MultiplyInto<T>(LinearOperator<T>, Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Multiplies a matrix and a vector.
MultiplyInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
MultiplyInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Multiplies a vector by a matrix.
MultiplyInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
MultiplyInto<T>(LinearOperator<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a possibly transposed matrix and a matrix.
MultiplyInto<T>(LinearOperator<T>, TransposeOperation, Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Multiplies a possibly transposed matrix and a vector.
MultiplyInto<T>(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Multiplies a vector by a matrix.
MultiplyInto<T>(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>) Multiplies one matrix by another matrix and returns the result.
Negate<T> Negates a matrix.
NegateInto<T> Negates a matrix.
NotEqualTo<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Checks if the elements of one matrix are not equal to a constant.
NotEqualTo<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are not equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
NotEqualTo<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are not equal to a constant.
NotEqualTo<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are not equal to the corresponding elements of another matrix.
NotEqualToInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are not equal to a constant.
NotEqualToInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<Boolean>) Checks if the elements of one matrix are not equal to a constant.
Reciprocal<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the inverses (reciprocals) of the components of another matrix.
ReciprocalInto<T> Computes the inverses (reciprocals) of the elements of a matrix.
Round<T> Returns a vector whose elements are the components of another vector rounded to the nearest integer.
ScaleColumns<T> Scales the columns of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
ScaleColumnsInto<T> Scales the columns of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
ScaleRows<T> Scales the rows of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
ScaleRowsInto<T> Scales the rows of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
Sin<T> Computes the sine of the elements of a matrix.
Sinh<T> Computes the hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix.
SinhInto<T> Computes the hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix.
SinInto<T> Computes the sine of the elements of a matrix.
Sqrt<T> Computes the square root of the elements of a matrix.
SqrtInto<T> Computes the square root of the elements of a matrix.
Subtract<T>(Matrix<T>, T) Subtracts a scalar from a matrix.
Subtract<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Subtracts two matrices.
Subtract<T>(T, Matrix<T>) Subtracts a matrix from a scalar.
Subtract<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension) Subtracts a vector broadcast along the specified dimension from a matrix.
Subtract<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>) Subtracts a matrix from a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
Subtract<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<T>) Subtracts one broadcast vector from another to form a matrix.
SubtractInto<T>(Matrix<T>, T, Matrix<T>) Subtracts two matrices.
SubtractInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Subtracts one matrix from another.
SubtractInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Subtracts a matrix from a scalar.
SubtractInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>) Subtracts a vector broadcast along the specified dimension from a matrix.
SubtractProduct<T> Subtracts the product of two matrices from another matrix.
SubtractProductInto<T> Subtracts the product of two matrices from another matrix.
Tan<T> Computes the tangent of the elements of a matrix.
Tanh<T> Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix.
TanhInto<T> Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix.
TanInto<T> Computes the tangent of the elements of a matrix.
Truncate<T> Returns a vector whose elements are the components of another vector rounded to the nearest integer towards zero.
UnscaleColumns<T> Unscales the columns of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
UnscaleColumnsInto<T> Unscales the columns of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
UnscaleRows<T> Unscales the rows of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
UnscaleRowsInto<T> Unscales the rows of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.

See Also