NumericsConfiguration Properties


AutoAlignIndexes Gets or sets whether the operands of operations on vectors and matrices should be aligned along their indexes.
AutoAlignJoinType Gets or sets the type of join to use when aligning indexes.
AutoLoadCustomProviders Gets or sets whether custom implementation providers should be loaded automatically.
AutoLoadNativeProviders Gets or sets whether native (processor specific) implementation providers should be loaded automatically.
DefaultBigFloatAccuracyGoal Gets or sets the default accuracy goal when performing operations on existing BigFloat numbers.
DefaultBigFloatRoundingMode Gets or sets the default rounding mode for calculations involving arbitrary precision floating point numbers.
DefaultRandomNumberGenerator Gets or sets the default random number generator.
InitialBigFloatAccuracyGoal Gets or sets the default accuracy goal when constructing new BigFloat numbers.
InteractiveToString Gets or sets whether the ToString() method should return a string suitable for use in an interactive session.
LogAction Gets or sets an action that is called to log messages.
LogLevel Gets or sets the maximum severity level of messages that are logged.
NativeProviderPath Gets or sets the path where native provider files are located.
ParallelThreshold Sets the threshold at which operations are run in parallel.
Providers Gets the collection of implementation providers.
SummaryOptions Gets or sets the options used when creating summaries for objects.

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