BigFloat Operators and Type Conversions


Addition(BigFloat, BigFloat) Adds two BigFloat numbers.
Addition(BigFloat, BigInteger) Adds a BigFloat number and a BigInteger.
Addition(BigFloat, BigRational) Adds a BigFloat and a BigRational number.
Addition(BigFloat, Int32) Adds two BigFloat numbers.
Addition(BigInteger, BigFloat) Adds a BigFloat number and a BigInteger.
Addition(BigRational, BigFloat) Adds a BigFloat and a BigRational number.
Addition(Int32, BigFloat) Adds two BigFloat numbers.
Decrement(BigFloat)Decrements a value.
Division(BigFloat, BigFloat) Divides one BigFloat by another.
Division(BigFloat, BigInteger) Divides two numbers.
Equality(BigFloat, BigFloat) Returns whether a BigFloat is equal to another.
Explicit(BigFloat to BigInteger) Converts a BigFloat to the nearest BigInteger.
Explicit(BigFloat to Quad) Converts a BigFloat value to the nearest Quad.
Explicit(BigFloat to Byte) Converts a BigFloat to a Byte value.
Explicit(BigFloat to Decimal) Converts a BigFloat to the nearest Decimal number.
Explicit(BigFloat to Double) Converts a BigFloat value to a Double.
Explicit(BigFloat to Int16) Converts a BigFloat to a Int16 value.
Explicit(BigFloat to Int32) Converts a BigFloat to a Int32 value.
Explicit(BigFloat to Int64) Converts a BigFloat to a long integer.
Explicit(BigFloat to SByte) Converts a BigFloat to a SByte value.
Explicit(BigFloat to Single) Converts a BigFloat to a single-precision floating-point number.
Explicit(BigFloat to UInt16) Converts a BigFloat to a UInt16 value.
Explicit(BigFloat to UInt32) Converts a BigFloat to an unsigned integer.
Explicit(BigFloat to UInt64) Converts a BigFloat to a long unsigned integer.
Exponent(BigFloat, BigFloat) Represents the exponentiation operator.
Exponent(BigFloat, Int32) Represents the exponentiation operator.
Exponentiation(BigFloat, BigFloat) Represents the exponentiation operator.
Exponentiation(BigFloat, Int32) Represents the exponentiation operator.
GreaterThan(BigFloat, BigFloat) Returns whether a BigFloat is greater than another.
GreaterThanOrEqual(BigFloat, BigFloat) Returns whether a BigFloat is greater than or equal to another.
Implicit(BigInteger to BigFloat) Converts a BigInteger to a BigFloat value.
Implicit(Byte to BigFloat) Converts a BigInteger value to a Byte value.
Implicit(Decimal to BigFloat) Converts a Decimal number to a BigFloat value.
Implicit(Double to BigFloat) Converts a double-precision floating-point number to a BigInteger value.
Implicit(Int16 to BigFloat) Converts a 16 bit signed integer to a BigFloat value.
Implicit(Int32 to BigFloat) Converts a 32 bit signed integer to a BigFloat value.
Implicit(Int64 to BigFloat) Converts a 64 bit signed integer to a BigFloat value.
Implicit(SByte to BigFloat) Converts a signed byte to a BigFloat value.
Implicit(Single to BigFloat) Converts a single-precision floating-point number to a BigInteger value.
Implicit(UInt16 to BigFloat) Converts a 16 bit unsigned integer to a BigFloat value.
Implicit(UInt32 to BigFloat) Converts a 32 bit unsigned integer to a BigFloat value.
Implicit(UInt64 to BigFloat) Converts a 64 bit unsigned integer to a BigFloat value.
Increment(BigFloat)Increments a value.
Inequality(BigFloat, BigFloat) Returns whether a BigFloat is not equal to another.
LessThan(BigFloat, BigFloat) Returns whether a BigFloat is less than another.
LessThanOrEqual(BigFloat, BigFloat) Returns whether a BigFloat is less than or equal to another.
Modulus(BigFloat, BigFloat) Returns the remainder after dividing one BigFloat number by another.
Multiply(BigFloat, BigFloat) Multiplies two numbers.
Multiply(BigFloat, BigInteger) Multiplies two numbers.
Multiply(BigInteger, BigFloat) Multiplies two numbers.
Multiply(Int32, BigFloat) Multiplies a BigFloat value by an integer.
Subtraction(BigFloat, BigFloat) Subtracts one number from another.
Subtraction(BigFloat, Int32) Adds two BigFloat numbers.
Subtraction(Int32, BigFloat) Adds two BigFloat numbers.
UnaryNegation(BigFloat) Returns a BigInteger value with the opposite sign.
UnaryPlus(BigFloat)Computes the unary plus of a value.

See Also