BigFloat Properties


AbsoluteBinaryPrecision Gets the number of stored bits in the fractional part of the number.
BinaryPrecision Gets the number of bits of precision used to store the number.
DefaultAccuracyGoal Gets or sets the default accuracy goal when performing operations on existing BigFloat numbers.
DefaultRoundingMode Gets or sets the default rounding mode.
Epsilon Gets the current precision of BigFloat values.
Exponent Gets the exponent part of the BigFloat value.
InitialAccuracyGoal Gets or sets the default accuracy goal when constructing new BigFloat numbers.
IsInteger Checks if the value of a BigFloat value is an integer.
IsNegativeZero Checks if the value of a BigFloat value is negative zero.
IsOne Checks if the value of a BigFloat value is equal to one.
IsZero Checks if the value of a BigFloat value is zero.
Mantissa Gets the mantissa part of the BigFloat value.
RelativeAccuracyGoal Gets an accuracy goal that matches the relative precision of the number.
Sign Gets the sign of the BigFloat value.

See Also