Aggregators Methods


Create<T, TResult>(Func<Vector<T>, TResult>) Constructs a new aggregator from a function.
Create<T, TResult, TAccumulator>(Func<TAccumulator, TResult>, AggregatorAttributes, TResult) Constructs a new aggregator that uses the specified accumulator.
Create<T, TResult, TIntermediate, TAccumulator>(Func<TAccumulator, TResult>, AggregatorAttributes, TResult) 
CreateGroup<T, TResult> Constructs a new aggregator group from a function.
Quantile(Double) Gets an aggregator that computes the specified quantile.
Quantile(Double, Int32) Gets an aggregator that computes the specified quantile.
Skip Gets an aggregator that returns the first non-missing value after skipping the specified number of values.

See Also