Quad Fields


AccuracyGoal Defines the accuracy of quadruple precision floating-point numbers.
E The number e, basis of the natural logarithm, as a Quad,
Epsilon Gets the machine precision quadruple precision floating-point numbers.
MaxValue The largest possible Quad.
MinNormalizedValue Gets the smallest positive number that has a normalized representation.
MinPositiveValue Gets the smallest positive number greater than zero.
MinusOne The number -1 as a Quad.
MinValue The smallest possible Quad.
NaN Not-a-Number, the value returned when the result is undefined.
NegativeInfinity Negative infinity as a Quad,
NegativeZero Negative 0 as a Quad,
One The number one as a Quad.
Pi The number pi as a Quad,
PiOverTwo The number pi divided by 2 as a Quad,
PositiveInfinity Positive infinity as a Quad,
Zero The number zero as a Quad.

See Also