Quad Methods


Abs Returns the absolute value of a quadruple precision number.
Acos Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number.
Acosh Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.
AcosPi Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number in multiples of π.
Asin Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number.
Asinh Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.
AsinPi Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number.
Atan Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number as multiples of π.
Atan2 Returns the angle between the X-axis and the ray from the origin to the specified point.
Atan2PiComputes the arc-tangent for the quotient of two values and divides the result by pi.
Atanh Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.
AtanPi Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number as multiples of π.
BitDecrementReturns the largest value that compares less than a specified value.
BitIncrementReturns the smallest value that compares greater than a specified value.
CbrtComputes the cube-root of a value.
Ceiling Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified quadruple precision number.
ClampClamps a value to an inclusive minimum and maximum value.
Compare Compares two quadruple-precision numbers.
CompareTo(Double) Compares a number to another number.
CompareTo(Quad) Compares a number to another number.
CopySignCopies the sign of a value to the sign of another value.
Cos Returns the cosine of the specified angle.
Cosh Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle.
CosPi Returns the cosine of the specified angle in multiples of π.
CreateChecked<TOther>Creates an instance of the current type from a value, throwing an overflow exception for any values that fall outside the representable range of the current type.
CreateSaturating<TOther>Creates an instance of the current type from a value, saturating any values that fall outside the representable range of the current type.
CreateTruncating<TOther>Creates an instance of the current type from a value, truncating any values that fall outside the representable range of the current type.
Equals(Double) Tests whether a number equals another number.
Equals(Object)Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
(Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object))
Equals(Quad) Tests whether a number equals another number.
Erf Evaluates the error function.
Erfc Evaluates the complementary error function.
Exp Returns e raised to the specified power.
Exp10Computes 10 raised to a given power.
Exp10M1Computes 10 raised to a given power and subtracts one.
Exp2Computes 2 raised to a given power.
Exp2M1Computes 2 raised to a given power and subtracts one.
ExpM1Computes E raised to a given power and subtracts one.
ExpMinus1 Returns e raised to the specified power to the specified accuracy.
Floor Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified quadruple precision number.
FusedMultiplyAddComputes the fused multiply-add of three values.
GetHashCodeReturns the hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode())
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Hypot Gets the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle with sides of specified length.
Ieee754RemainderComputes the remainder of two values as specified by IEEE 754.
ILogBComputes the integer logarithm of a value.
InverseErf Evaluates the inverse of the error function.
InverseErfc Evaluates the inverse of the complementary error function.
IsEvenIntegerDetermines if a value represents an even integral number.
IsFinite Returns whether the specified quadruple-precision floating-point number is finite.
IsInfinity Returns whether the specified quadruple-precision floating-point number is infinite.
IsIntegerDetermines if a value represents an integral number.
IsNaN Checks if the value of a value is "Not a Number."
IsNegativeDetermines if a value represents a negative real number.
IsNegativeInfinity Returns whether the specified quadruple-precision floating-point number is equal to negative infinity.
IsNormal Returns whether the specified quadruple-precision floating-point number is normal.
IsOddIntegerDetermines if a value represents an odd integral number.
IsPositiveDetermines if a value represents zero or a positive real number.
IsPositiveInfinity Returns whether the specified quadruple-precision floating-point number is equal to positive infinity.
IsPow2Determines if a value is a power of two.
IsRealNumberDetermines if a value represents a real number.
IsSubnormal Returns whether the specified quadruple-precision floating-point number is subnormal.
Log(Quad) Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number.
Log(Quad, Quad) Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base.
Log10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.
Log1PlusX Returns the natural logarithm of 1 plus the argument.
Log2 Returns the base 2 logarithm of a specified number.
Max Returns the larger of two quadruple precision numbers.
MaxMagnitudeCompares two values to compute which has the greater magnitude.
MaxMagnitudeNumberCompares two values to compute which has the greater magnitude and returning the other value if an input is NaN.
MaxNumberCompares two values to compute which is greater and returning the other value if an input is NaN.
Min Returns the smaller of two quadruple precision numbers.
MinMagnitudeCompares two values to compute which has the lesser magnitude.
MinMagnitudeNumberCompares two values to compute which has the lesser magnitude and returning the other value if an input is NaN.
MinNumberCompares two values to compute which is lesser and returning the other value if an input is NaN.
Parse(String) Converts a string value to a Quad.
Parse(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, IFormatProvider) Converts a span of characters to a Quad.
Parse(String, NumberStyles) Converts a string value to a Quad.
Parse(String, IFormatProvider) Converts a string value to a Quad.
Parse(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider) Converts a span of characters to a Quad.
Parse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider) Converts a string value to a Quad.
Pow(Quad, Quad) Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.
Pow(Quad, Int32) Returns a number raised to an integer power.
ReciprocalEstimateComputes an estimate of the reciprocal of a value.
ReciprocalSqrtEstimateComputes an estimate of the reciprocal square root of a value.
RootNComputes the n-th root of a value.
Round(Quad) Rounds a Quad value to the nearest integral value.
Round(Quad, Int32) Rounds a Quad value to a specified number of fractional digits.
Round(Quad, MidpointRounding) Rounds a Quad value to the nearest integer. A parameter specifies how to round the value if it is midway between two other numbers.
Round(Quad, Int32, MidpointRounding) Rounds a Quad value to a specified number of fractional digits. A parameter specifies how to round the value if it is midway between two other numbers.
ScaleByPowerOfTwo Multiplies a quadruple-precision value by a power of two.
Sign Gets the sign of the quadruple precision number: -1, 0, or 1.
Sin Returns the sine of the specified angle.
SinCos Computes the sine and cosine of a quadruple precision value.
SinCosPi Computes the sine and cosine of a quadruple precision value.
Sinh Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle.
SinPi Returns the sine of the specified angle in multiples of π.
Sqrt Returns the square root of a number.
Sqrt1pxm1 Returns the difference between the square root of a number close to 1, and 1.
Tan Returns the tangent of the specified angle.
Tanh Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle.
TanPi Returns the tangent of the specified angle in multiples of π.
ToString() Returns a String representation of the number.
(Overrides ValueType.ToString())
ToString(IFormatProvider) Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format.
ToString(String) Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format.
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format.
Truncate Calculates the integral part of a specified quadruple precision number.
TryFormat Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format.
TryParse(String, Quad) Attempts to convert a string value to a Quad.
TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, IFormatProvider, Quad) Attempts to convert a span of characters to a Quad.
TryParse(String, IFormatProvider, Quad) Attempts to convert a string value to a Quad.
TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, Quad) Attempts to convert a string value to a Quad.
TryParse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, Quad) Attempts to convert a string value to a Quad.

See Also