AccumulatingAggregator<T, TResult, TAccumulator> Methods


Aggregate(Vector<T>) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
Aggregate(IEnumerable<T>, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of a sequence and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
Aggregate(ReadOnlySpan<T>, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
Aggregate(Vector<T>, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
Aggregate(ReadOnlySpan<T>, ReadOnlySpan<Boolean>, Boolean) Aggregates over a span and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
Aggregate(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
Aggregate(Vector<T>, Int32, Int32, Nullable<Boolean>) Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
Aggregate(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<Boolean>, Int32, Boolean) Aggregates over a span and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateBy(Vector<T>, IGrouping, Vector<TResult>) Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified grouping.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateBy(Vector<T>, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, Nullable<Boolean>, Vector<TResult>) Aggregates the elements of a vector according to the specified level indexes.
(Overrides Aggregator<T, TResult>.AggregateBy(Vector<T>, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, Nullable<Boolean>, Vector<TResult>))
AggregateBy<TPredicate>(Vector<T>, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, TPredicate, Nullable<Boolean>, Vector<TResult>) Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified level indexes.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateColumns Aggregates the columns of a matrix.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateColumnsListwise Aggregates the columns of a matrix disregarding the entire row if any of its entries are missing.
(Overrides Aggregator<T, TResult>.AggregateColumnsListwise(Matrix<T>, Vector<TResult>))
AggregateInto(Matrix<T>, Vector<TResult>) Aggregates the columns of a matrix.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateInto(Vector<T>, IGrouping, Vector<TResult>) Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified grouping.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateInto(Vector<T>, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, Nullable<Boolean>, Vector<TResult>) Aggregates the elements of a vector according to the specified level indexes.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateInto<TPredicate>(Vector<T>, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, TPredicate, Nullable<Boolean>, Vector<TResult>) Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified level indexes.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateInto<TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, Int32, Int32, TPredicate, Boolean, SpanSlice<TResult>) Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified level indexes.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateListwiseInto Aggregates the columns of a matrix disregarding the entire row if any of its entries are missing.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateWhere(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, Func<T, Boolean>, Boolean) Aggregates over a span and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateWhere<TPredicate>(IEnumerable<T>, TPredicate, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of a sequence and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateWhere<TPredicate>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, TPredicate, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of a span and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Vector<T>, TPredicate, Nullable<Boolean>) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, TPredicate, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Vector<T>, Int32, Int32, TPredicate, Nullable<Boolean>) Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, TPredicate, Boolean) Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
AggregateWhere<T2, TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T2>, Int32, TPredicate, Boolean) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
TryAggregate(Vector<T>, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
TryAggregate(IEnumerable<T>, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a sequence and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
TryAggregate(ReadOnlySpan<T>, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
TryAggregate(Vector<T>, Int32, Int32, TResult) Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
TryAggregate(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Overrides Aggregator<T, TResult>.TryAggregate(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, Boolean, TResult))
TryAggregate(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<Boolean>, Int32, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
TryAggregateWhere(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, Func<T, Boolean>, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(IEnumerable<T>, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a sequence and returns the result.
(Overrides Aggregator<T, TResult>.TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(IEnumerable<T>, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult))
TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Overrides Aggregator<T, TResult>.TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult))
TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Vector<T>, TPredicate, Nullable<Boolean>, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Overrides Aggregator<T, TResult>.TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult))
TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Vector<T>, Int32, Int32, TPredicate, Nullable<Boolean>, TResult) Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Overrides Aggregator<T, TResult>.TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Vector<T>, Int32, Int32, TPredicate, Nullable<Boolean>, TResult))
TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Overrides Aggregator<T, TResult>.TryAggregateWhere<TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult))
TryAggregateWhere<T2, TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T2>, Int32, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Overrides Aggregator<T, TResult>.TryAggregateWhere<T2, TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T2>, Int32, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult))
TryAggregateWhere<T2, TPredicate>(Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<T2>, Int32, TPredicate, Boolean, TResult) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Aggregator<T, TResult>)
TryGetAccumulator Attempts to get an accumulator with the specified capability.
(Overrides Aggregator<T, TResult>.TryGetAccumulator(Boolean, IAccumulator<T, TResult>))

See Also