TensorBackEnd.XorInPlace Method


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Tensors
Assembly: Numerics.NET.Tensors (in Numerics.NET.Tensors.dll) Version: 9.0.5

Overload List

XorInPlace<T>(Tensor<T>, T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the bitwise xor of a tensor and a scalar in-place.
XorInPlace<T>(Tensor<T>, Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the bitwise xor of two tensors in place.

XorInPlace<T>(Tensor<T>, T, Tensor<Boolean>)

Computes the bitwise xor of a tensor and a scalar in-place.
public virtual Tensor<T> XorInPlace<T>(
	Tensor<T> left,
	T right,
	Tensor<bool>? mask = null


left  Tensor<T>
A tensor that serves as the left operand.
right  T
A scalar that serves as the right operand.
mask  Tensor<Boolean>  (Optional)
Optional. A boolean tensor that specifies whether the operation should be performed at the location. If omitted, the operation is performed everywhere.

Type Parameters


Return Value

This tensor with each element replaced with the sum of the element and right.

XorInPlace<T>(Tensor<T>, Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>)

Computes the bitwise xor of two tensors in place.
public virtual Tensor<T> XorInPlace<T>(
	Tensor<T> left,
	Tensor<T> right,
	Tensor<bool>? mask = null


left  Tensor<T>
A tensor that serves as the left operand..
right  Tensor<T>
A tensor that serves as the right operand..
mask  Tensor<Boolean>  (Optional)
Optional. A boolean tensor that specifies whether the operation should be performed at the location. If omitted, the operation is performed everywhere.

Type Parameters

The type of the elements of the tensors.

Return Value

This tensor with the elements replaced with the sum of the element and the corresponding element of right.



left is null.


right is null.


The dimensions of left and right are not compatible.

See Also