Complex<T> Methods


Abs Returns the absolute value of a complex number.
Acos(T) Gets the inverse cosine of a real number.
Acos(Complex<T>) Gets the inverse cosine of a complex number.
Acosh Gets the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.
Add(T, Complex<T>) Adds a complex number to a real number.
Add(Complex<T>, T) Adds a complex number to a real number.
Add(Complex<T>, Complex<T>) Adds two complex numbers.
Arg Returns the argument of a complex number.
Asin(T) Gets the inverse sine of a real number.
Asin(Complex<T>) Gets the inverse sine of a complex number.
Asinh Gets the inverse hyperbolic sine of a complex number.
Atan Gets the inverse tangent of a complex number.
Atanh Gets the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a complex number.
Cbrt Returns the first square root of a complex number.
Conjugate() Returns the conjugate of this complex number.
Conjugate(Complex<T>) Returns the conjugate of a complex number.
ConjugateMultiply Multiplies the Conjugate() of a complex number and a second complex number.
Cos Gets the cosine of a complex number.
Cosh Gets the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.
Deconstruct Deconstructs a complex number into its real and complex parts.
Decrement Decrements the real part of a complex number by one.
Divide(T, Complex<T>) Divides a real number by a complex number.
Divide(Complex<T>, T) Divides a complex number by a real number.
Divide(Complex<T>, Complex<T>) Divides a complex number by another.
Equals(T) Compares a complex number to a real number.
Equals(Complex<T>) Compares a complex number to another complex number.
Equals(Object) Overridden. Returns whether this instance is equal to a specified object.
(Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object))
Exp Returns e raised to the specified power.
Exp10 Returns 10 raised to the specified power.
Exp2 Returns 2 raised to the specified power.
ExpI Evaluates the exponential function for an imaginary argument.
ExpM1 Computes E raised to a given power and subtracts one.
FromPolar Constructs a complex number from polar elements.
GetHashCode Overridden. Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode())
GetImaginaryPart Returns an array of Doubles that contains the imaginary parts of an array of complex numbers.
GetRealPart Returns an array of Doubles that contains the real parts of an array of complex numbers.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Imaginary Constructs a complex number that has a purely imaginary value.
Increment Increments the real part of a complex number by one.
IsFinite Indicates whether a complex number is finite.
IsInfinity Indicates whether a complex number is infinite.
IsNaN Indicates whether a complex number is undefined.
Log(Complex<T>) Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number.
Log(Complex<T>, Complex<T>) Returns the logarithm of a complex number to the specified base.
Log10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of a complex number.
Log2 Returns the base 2 logarithm of a complex number.
Multiply(T, Complex<T>) Multiplies a complex number and a real number.
Multiply(Complex<T>, T) Multiplies a complex number and a real number.
Multiply(Complex<T>, Complex<T>) Multiplies two complex numbers.
Negate Negates a complex number.
Parse(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, IFormatProvider)Parses a span of characters into a value.
Parse(String, IFormatProvider)Parses a string into a value.
Parse(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider)Parses a span of characters into a value.
Parse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider)Parses a string into a value.
Plus Applies the unary plus operator to a complex number.
Pow(Complex<T>, T) Returns a complex number raised to the specified power.
Pow(Complex<T>, Complex<T>) Returns a complex number raised to the specified power.
Pow(Complex<T>, Int32) Returns a complex number raised to the specified integer power.
Reciprocal Returns the reciprocal of a complex number.
RootOfUnity Returns a complex number that is the specified root of unity of the specified degree.
Sin Gets the sine of a complex number.
SinCos Gets the sine and cosine of a complex number.
Sinh Gets the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.
Sqrt(T) Returns the first square root of a real number.
Sqrt(Complex<T>) Returns the first square root of a complex number.
Subtract(T, Complex<T>) Subtracts a complex number from a real number.
Subtract(Complex<T>, T) Subtracts a real number from a complex number.
Subtract(Complex<T>, Complex<T>) Subtracts two complex numbers.
Tan Gets the tangent of a complex number.
Tanh Gets the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number.
ToString() Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.
(Overrides ValueType.ToString())
ToString(IFormatProvider) Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.
ToString(String) Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.
TryFormatTries to format the value of the current instance into the provided span of characters.
TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, IFormatProvider, Complex<T>)Tries to parse a span of characters into a value.
TryParse(String, IFormatProvider, Complex<T>)Tries to parse a string into a value.
TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, Complex<T>)Tries to parse a span of characters into a value.
TryParse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, Complex<T>)Tries to parse a string into a value.

See Also